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Vaginal balls TrainBalls Beeze Luxury Set (1220) v1

The balls are designed specifically for women who value their sexuality. They gently massage the inside of the body, creating vibrations with their movements, which in turn make the muscles work, providing a comfortable workout that suits any rhythm of the day. These exercises are not only very beneficial for your health, but will also help you develop and enhance the sensitivity of the erogenous zones of your body!
€30.00 €19.00

Vaginal balls TrainBalls Beeze Luxury Set (1220) v2

The balls are designed specifically for women who value their sexuality. They gently massage the inside of the body, creating vibrations with their movements, which in turn make the muscles work, providing a comfortable workout that suits any rhythm of the day. These exercises are not only very beneficial for your health, but will also help you develop and enhance the sensitivity of the erogenous zones of your body!
€30.00 €19.00

Vaginal balls TrainBalls Beeze Ono (1104)

Vaginal ball, made of silicone. Special design for increased pleasure! Ball diameter 3,6 cm, length 10,2 cm, weight 30 g.
€17.50 €10.00

Vakuumpumpis Malesation penis pump starter one (0427)

Vakuumsūknis vīriešiem - dzimumlocekļa izmēra palielināšanai, stingrības piešķiršanai, erekcijas nodrošināšanai un treniņam. Ražots no izturīga un higiēniska materiāla, viegls un ērts lietošanā. Ar sūkņa palīdzību tiek radīts vakuums tilpnē, kas ir uzvilkta vīrieša dzimumloceklim un cieši tam pieguļ. Pumpja darbība imitē sievietes maksts muskulatūras radīto sūcošo sajūtu un fellāciju (ņemšanu mutē). Vakuuma erektors jeb seksa pumpis ir caurspīdīgs cilindrs ar manžeti no mīksta materiala, kam pievienota gumijas caurulīte ar gumijas bumbieri galā. Dzimumloceklis jāievada cilindrā caur manžeti, kurai blīvi jāpieguļ loceklim. Izsūknējot gaisu no cilindra dzimumloceklis sāk pakāpeniski palielināties. Kad loceklis ir kārtīgi piebriedis un gatavs dzimumaktam, tad pumpī jāielaiž gaiss, lai atbrīvotu locekli tālākam seksam.

Vibrators Love wand (1215) balts

Lielisks klitora un maksts receptoru kairinātājs! Izmēri - garums: 28,5 cm, diametrs: 6,6 cm.

Virve Steamy shades Rope (0906)

Virve. Ierīces garums 2 m.