Erection rings are rings made of elastic material that go around the penis and prevent blood from flowing out of the penis. This means that you and your partner can enjoy firmer and longer-lasting erections. The penis will look bigger and your partner will not be able to take her eyes off it. The effect of the blood concentration will delay your orgasm, but when it finally comes, you will be amazed at the extremely intense orgasm you experienced.
Delight your partner with a ring!
There are many variants of erection rings: they vary in shape and size. Erection rings are often made of silicone, but there are also rings made of metal. Metal rings are not suitable for beginners because they are not flexible. Adjustable rings are suitable for beginners because they fit comfortably and can be quickly taken off if necessary. You can try on a whole range of different rings once you know what diameter you need. An erection ring is placed either at the base of the penis, around the penis, or around the penis and testicles. If you choose an erection ring with grooves and/or bumps, they will stimulate her clitoris, giving her many pleasurable tender sensations. Also, a built-in small bullet-shaped vibrator can increase pleasure for both of you. Cock rings that are designed to increase the diameter of the penis are also very popular.
Take precautions!
Remember to always use lubricant with the ring. Erection rings do not allow blood to drain from the penis, so they should be used with care to avoid injury. Read the instructions for use before using a penis ring. An erection ring should not be used too often or for too long as this is not good for the penis. We recommend that erection rings are used for no longer than 30 minutes! Remove the ring immediately if it causes discomfort or if you start to feel pain. It is also important to choose a penis ring that is suitable for your penis size. The ring should not fit too tightly, but it should not slip either.
Intimate goods store offers to buy erection rings, sex toys and accessories!
Trīs super elastīgi erekcijas gredzeni, super uzbudinošs gredzens ar aktīvām pērlītēm. Ar šiem gredzeniem Jūs abi sasniegsiet 100% orgasmu. Diametrs 2,6 / 3,0 / 3,5 cm.
Erekciju stiprinošs gredzens. Tas būtiski papildinās dzimumaktu, veicinot orgasma sasniegšanu. Gredzenu uzvelk pie pašas locekļa pamatnes un uz pautiem, tad kad loceklis ir jau erekcijas stāvoklī. Izgatavots no elastīga materiāla.
Erekciju stiprinoši gredzeni. Tas būtiski papildinās dzimumaktu, veicinot orgasma sasniegšanu. Gredzenu uzvelk pie pašas locekļa pamatnes, tad kad loceklis ir jau erekcijas stāvoklī. Izgatavots no elastīga materiāla.
Divi super elastīgi erekcijas gredzeni, super uzbudinoši. Papildus izcilņi (ūsiņas) sasniegs Jūsu partneres baudas centru. Ar šiem gredzeniem Jūs abi sasniegsiet 100 % orgasmu.