Vaginal balls TrainBalls Beeze Luxury Set (1220) v1

The balls are designed specifically for women who value their sexuality. They gently massage the inside of the body, creating vibrations with their movements, which in turn make the muscles work, providing a comfortable workout that suits any rhythm of the day. These exercises are not only very beneficial for your health, but will also help you develop and enhance the sensitivity of the erogenous zones of your body!
Manufacturer: StRubber
Availability: 1 pcs.
SKU: 1220- trainballs-1
Old price: €30.00

The balls are designed specifically for women who value their sexuality.
They gently massage the inside of the body, creating vibrations with their movements, which in turn make the muscles work, providing a comfortable workout that suits any rhythm of the day.
These exercises are not only very beneficial for your health, but will also help you develop and enhance the sensitivity of the erogenous zones of your body!

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Erekciju stiprinošs gredzens ar ieslēdzamu vibrāciju un zaķīti klitora stimulēšanai. Tas būtiski papildinās dzimumaktu, veicinot orgasma sasniegšanu. Gredzenu uzvelk pie pašas locekļa pamatnes, tad kad loceklis ir jau erekcijas stāvoklī. Izgatavots no elastīga materiāla.
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